Why she goes crazy at least once every month

Dear Aunty Nurse readers,
I must apologise I have been a way for some time, this is because I've been so busy with my regular job and I must admit that posts take a lot of time and effort to produce. 
Today, I have an interesting topic for you. 
Certain women are known to act crazy/sad/abnormal just before, during or after their periods and research has shown that it could be because 3-8% of women suffer a condition referred to as Premenstural dysphoric disorder. Honestly, after doing some research and stumbling upon this condition, I think I'm going to get myself checked out. lol

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Like PMS, premenstrual dysphoric disorder follows a predictable, cyclic pattern. Symptoms begin in the late luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (after ovulation) and end shortly after menstruation begins.
Emotional symptoms are generally present, and in PMDD, mood symptoms are dominant. Substantial disruption to personal relationships is typical for women with PMDD.Anxiety, anger, and depression may also occur. The main symptoms, which can be disabling, include;
·         feelings of deep sadness or despair
·         feelings of intense tension or anxiety
·         increased intense sensitivity to rejection or criticism
·         panic attacks
·         rapid and severe mood swings, bouts of uncontrollable crying
·         lasting irritability or anger, increased interpersonal conflicts; typically sufferers are unaware of the impact they have on those close to them
·         apathy or disinterest in daily activities and relationships
·         difficulty concentrating
·         chronic fatigue
·         food cravings or binge eating
·         insomnia or hypersomnia; sleeping more than usual, or (in a smaller group of sufferers) being unable to sleep
·         feeling overwhelmed or feelings of being out of control
·         increase or decrease in sex drive
·         increased need for emotional closeness
Common physical symptoms include:
·         breast tenderness or swelling, heart palpitations, headaches, joint or muscle pain, swollen face and nose
·         an altered view of one's body - a sensation of 'bloating', feeling fat or actual weight gain.
·         severe headache
Five or more of these symptoms may indicate PMDD.

What to do
If you experience 5 or more of these symptoms, I suggest that you see a Doctor as soon s you can. Your Doctor might refer you to a psychiatrist if need be.

Have a great day
Aunty Nurse


  1. Anonymous02:49

    Wow! This is exactly how my wife behaves. Thanks for the info

  2. Anonymous02:43

    Quite familiar..nice one


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